Termino is a type of movement performed by Peruvian Pasos, originating from the shoulder. Termino is not the same as winging which is a conformation fault.
The video was taken at a gaited horse clinic and different people were trying different horses, so there is an "adjustment" period of time while the horse gets used to the rider, and the rider tries to determine how to use his body to communicate with the horse to get the smoothest gait from the horse.
Parelli Level 3 Horse Having Fun
The owners learn "horsemanship" by going through the levels of PNH (Parelli
Natural Horsemanship) and build good relationships and two-way
communication ...
Bits or Bitless?
"In the hands of a master horseman who has learned to ride with seat and
legs and who hardly uses the reins when riding a fully trained horse, the
most sev...