Sunday, November 2, 2008

What Gait / TWH

What gait is this Tennessee Walking Horse doing?

Video description: Naturally stepping high, No soring, Country Pleasure Racking Horse


TWHRider said...

It may not be paded but if i remeber correctly Country Pleasure and Plantaion horses wore weighted shoes. I was once evaluating some TWH's for sale from this lady and she had jsut bought a TWH with weighted shoes which she was removing. Now this horse could be hust naturally gaited liek this. I use a TWH in breed demos who is very animated naturlly; But i question this horses naturallity becasue of the way he tucks his back legs underneath himself when he does his running walk when it is typiclly said that a smooh and natural running walk consits of little movement of the back. ANd if the back is smooth then the legs would not be coming so far under the horse in the way shown in te video where the legs are pushing the body upward not overstriding.

TWHRider said...

It may not be paded but if i remeber correctly Country Pleasure and Plantaion horses wore weighted shoes. I was once evaluating some TWH's for sale from this lady and she had jsut bought a TWH with weighted shoes which she was removing. Now this horse could be hust naturally gaited liek this. I use a TWH in breed demos who is very animated naturlly; But i question this horses naturallity becasue of the way he tucks his back legs underneath himself when he does his running walk when it is typiclly said that a smooh and natural running walk consits of little movement of the back. ANd if the back is smooth then the legs would not be coming so far under the horse in the way shown in te video where the legs are pushing the body upward not overstriding.